Monday, October 8, 2012


So I also promised that I would post about my life, just as many of you have done. So here goes:

So School. Yea, that happens, to most everyone really. It becomes a near expectation that one will go to College, and do well, coming out full of ticky-tacky and look all the same. Obscure reference aside, it does seem to take up most of the day, and a good bit of the night as well, to the point where I wonder if I have become defined by my schooling. I'm an English Major, how about you? Oh, I'm a Virgo. Same difference yea?

Still though, I know that at the end of the day, I get to go home to my own bed, which is large, and quite comfortable, just in case you were wondering, and sleep to my hearts content. That's a lot better than most people, so I shouldn't complain, yet, here I am. It might be that most days I don't get to see my friends, yet, that too is better than most, I don't have to make new friends, I get to keep a great deal of my old ones. Its pretty great really, yet, the idea of extra time still eludes me, so it seems.

On another note, with what little free time that I have, that is, that which is not taken up by my niece and nephew, who I shall talk about in later posts, I'm writing this blog, and ones like it on the Rockethics site, and getting ready for Halloween, and playing Skyrim (but that conversation is long over, so I won't). Halloween, when the actor comes out to play, and one is able to take on a new persona. Jenna Marbles says something to this same effect, but about Halloween sluts. That's cool. You can look up her video yourself. Nonetheless, because I love transitions and segues, Halloween is coming, and that is exiting. Each costume is an extension of the person wearing it. Dressing up shows a different side that is most often hidden, or ignored, allowing the person to be vulnerable, or perhaps, merely more expressive. Again with Jenna Marbles and the Halloween sluts. She's everywhere.

No, there is no moral story, and no meaning, just some ramblings that I subjected you to. Smile, you read this willingly. Brilliant yea?

So yea, a little less formal. Next posts will be about movies again.

Till then!


  1. Also, see if you can't get my stated obsure reference.

  2. I appreciate the Jenna Marbles reference - also, yay for English majors but I'm a Leo.

  3. Little boxes, on the hillside, little boxes made of ticky tacky, little boxes, little boxes, little boxes all the same.

    I also appreciated the Jenna Marbles references. It's quite fun to be a slut on Halloween.

  4. Brilliant! I'm glad that you got that Caffinefreak. Most excellent.

  5. I was drawn into your writing by your other post, about the stars. I too was an English major! Your comments about Halloween are interesting. I've never looked at it as anything more than a chance to put on fun clothing. What does a cat woman costume say about me? Probably that I buy into common costume expectations. What are you dressing up as on Halloween?

  6. I am going to be a Steampunk Rocketeer. Brilliant yea, and it employs my signature grey coat.
