Monday, November 12, 2012

Time Management, or why I probably won't be doing a lot of sleeping in my life, ever.

So joy, it happens a lot. That's really good you know? as is what knowing what makes one happy. So yea, I've learned what I like. There's a lot, and I've come to a conclusion. I'll tell you after this:

My interests!

Books! I love books, and I have a long list of books. Its good to know what is a good book is to you. For me, I am fond of the Gothic styles of literature, from Britain. The particularly verbose nature of the literature strikes me as agreeable, for my own writing, when not in such a casual instance such as this, is frighteningly verbose. So yea, books, there are a lot, my list of books, not in order, of books that I need to read, mind you not all of them are Gothic, but all of them I believe that I'll like

War and Peace
The Brothers Kamarzov
Alice in Wonderland
The Metamrophoses - ovid
Vergils the Aeneid
The Oddasy and the Illiad -Homer
The wroks of Plato
The Colllected works of Aristotle
The Picture of Dorian Grey
Moby Dick
Bartelby the Scribner
The invisable Man
The island of Dr. Merow
The Time machine
The Prince
Mrs Dalloway
The Geasnies
Canterbuy Tales
Game of Thrones series (minus the first)
The Jungle
Pride and Prejudice
Sense and Sensibility

Authors I'm suppose to read:
Eurodroa Welty

Subjects I'm interested in reading more about:
History of Europe, Russia,
Russian culture
Chinese culture, and history
Greek Philosophy
Indian philosophy
Governmental ideology (creation of governments)

Mind you this isn't a comprehensive list, merely a brief over view, I've missed some.

Video games offer new and fantastic worlds to gamer (yes, both definitions of the word fantastic, oh yes there are two, deal with it), and allows someone to very much leave this world and inter another. One can easily be lost in the world of a game, solving puzzles, slaying dragons, saving princesses, being intergelactic bad-asses  or Batman, the world enthralls the gamer, and its beautiful, just as books are. Here is my list of games that I am playing, or need to play.

Videos Games:
Metriod Prime for the Wii
Epic Mickey for the Wii, yea, I have one
Bioshock 2
Bioshock Inifinte
Batman Arkam city
Batman Arkam asylum
Borderlands 2
SuperMario Brothers 3 (I need to beat that game)
Deus Ex Human Revolutions
Halflife 1
Mirrors edge
Metal Gear Solid series
Halo 3,4, Reach, and ODST
Left for Dead 1-2
Legend of Zelda series

There are more, so again, a mere brief over view.

There are many things that I love, and below are a list of things that I love, but most, except for mosaicing, I am terrible at, however, I love the puzzle of it, especially since I don't ask for help on these things. I have to figure it out myself, and well, I'm not a terribly clever person when it comes to these sorts of things. Still though, my list of interesting things that I like.

Personal interests:
electrical systems
glass, in general

So yea, there is a lot on my plate in terms of things to do when I don't have something more important to do, like college. You know, that thing that happens, all the time. Yea that. When thats gone, I have some 59 listen things to occupy my time. Yea. That's sort of a lot. Like a lot a lot,  and I've come to this conclusion, one interest per week! Its brilliant! That way, I can keep everything current, and I won't get bored with it, because I won't have that much time to do it . Also, as I make cycles, the same article from each group will be reused until completed, that way I finish books, instead of having 20 some odd books being read at the same time. This week is literature, next week, video games, and the week after that, i believe I shall tinker some in my basement. But finally, an organized way to achieve everything that I'd like to.


  1. Wow, your book list is quite impressive - I hope you'll join me at Pattee this summer as I attempt to conquer my reading list - I've decided I should read Faulkner as well.
