Sunday, November 11, 2012

The story of an Island, or Hey where'd my tea go and why is it so dark?

Dearest readers, I'm sorry, I got lazy.

But at least I'm honest yea?

So today, I come to you from my heart, and a story. I have had a wonderful weekend, thanks, for asking, and while Its been truly fantastic, it must come to a close. It was amazing, like a haven in a world fraught with chaos and disorder, I find that there is a place where I can go, where my heart is at peace, and glows with a good light. I smile more, and feel better, even while writing my rather lengthy essay. But through it, I've come to realize several things, several rather heavy things.

We all need this thing, an escape, a haven in which everything is yours. Happiness preserves the mental faculties, and especially in college, there is a need to expand ones mental faculties, as we are pushed far outside our range of previously known knowledge. Its is at this internal oasis that we find rest a peace, and the means to continue. And that's just brilliant. What isn't is that I am just now discovering where mine is. The previous 18 years of my life have been without the need for one, or rather, up until recently there was no need for one, and so these lessons or preservation of humanity and cognition are new to me. Added still that they are filled with extra turmoil, and I struggle with even finding my haven, and being able to get to it, as it isn't within me, but a physical place, away from my home. So there's that.

Which brings me to that fact that my comfort zone, for college, is rather small, and that's not uncharacteristic, what is however is its size. For its precisely the same as high school, and there it was rather small as well. I was never one to be adventurous, although, yes, I have adventures (both IRL, and DnD), they are always.... tame (although I doubt some would disagree). Pardon my digression, but I'm unchanged, while my surroundings have changed. This goes back to the haven idea presented above, and that there I have arrived rather unfashionably late to this idea of getting out of ones comfortable bits, and into something new.
'Haven't made a friend in college yet.
Yup, there's that.

But I find myself struggling, with college-y things, and a great deal of other things, and its nice to know now where my haven is. Its still difficult, but I can escape for once, and despite masculinity driven stereotypes for my sex and gender, I still love a cup of hot to scolding tea, and a book. Or perhaps a 360 controller. Either one is good with me. Both alone or with friends, both online, or IRL, or neither, that, that is my joy, my new escape involves more processing power than a desktop, and better graphics than a IMAX movie, and while I love it, it probably won't make me friends outside the ones that I have now, so we are left with an interesting dilemma, to continue the just newly found comfort zone, one that is truly necessary at times, or not to, and force a new one involving being social with humans? A difficult quandary to be sure, a quagmire if you will, yes, my struggles with it are only beginning. Damn.


  1. Take solace in the fact that, now you've found your comfort zone, you don't have to travel for four hours to go to it again.

  2. I love your take on the state college-ite's dilemma; I struggle with many of the same things, and it's hard to try to find a fine balance of creating new "college experiences" while still maintaining some level of comfort. We don't want to be too stuck in our old ways, yet sacrificing everything just for "newness" is a little bit extreme.
    And yes, it's wonderful to see that home, a guarantee through high school, is now a delightful safe haven.
    Keep blogging, your thoughts are quite insightful!
